How Does The UCMAS Mental Math Program Help Kids?

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UCMAS Mental Math for kids in Auckland, New Zealand is a certified and proven math teaching program for kids. The program helps and enables kids to enhance their computational as well as their numerical skills. That’s what makes it the most sought after program as it has the capability that fosters develop a child’s mathematical skills from a tender age.

We all know how necessary it is to enable a child to be well versed with this particular area of learning so he or she can manage to solve the questions and calculative problems effortlessly. This also instills a great deal of confidence in a child about his ability in problem solving.

That’s what every parent desires and likewise that’s what every kid wants because eventually it leads to his overall excellence in academic performance in that particular subject of learning.

Benefits of Mental Math Program

With our program we enable kids between the ages of 3 to 12 to learn mathematics with an innovative and intensive program that will create a strong basic foundation for their overall academic career.

The ingenious tool we bring into use in order to equip the kids with impeccable mathematical skills is abacus. This ancient tool helps them to solve numerical calculations with absolute ease so as to bring a certain proficiency in our kids’ abilities. Apart from that the overall brain development comes as a by-product of learning through this program in the kids’ formative years.

Our Primary Goal

  • To establish a skill set in kids that will allow them to solve mathematical problems both visually and verbally.
  • To properly train them to solve mathematical problems confidently.
  • To equip the future generation with the right foundational courses so that they become strong individuals and contribute to the amelioration of the society with a strong professional attitude.
  • Develop Creative and Visualization abilities in kids.
  • Establish that skill set that will help them to solve difficult mathematical problems with speed and accuracy.
  • To foster an overall improvement in academics.
  • To enhance the analytical abilities of these kids.

Understanding Our Brain Structure is Important when We are Young

We all possess two different hemispheres in our brains. They are the left and the right. Both hemispheres have the capacity to work differently when we are confronted with a variety of questions and problems. Let’s discuss a bit in detail about these.

  • The Left Hemisphere is concerned with our logical thinking. The other functions that it performs are that it helps solving the matters which are related with numerical, theoretical and analytical problems.
  • The right Hemisphere is that is the creative side of our brains and is related to our emotions, intuitions and imaginative abilities.

It is a fact that most of the kids and the students make use of only one of the sides of their respective brains. Then lack of integration takes place in the brain structure in the long run it leads to a stunted or an average overall academic performance.

Abacus Mental Math for kids promotes the integration of both the hemispheres of kids’ brains. It brings a great amount of harmony in their brain functioning ability which leads to an unprecedented improvement in their overall academic performances.

How does It Work?

1. Reading- While solving equations, kids are made to read the abacus beads. It promotes the brains to get a visual picture of the problem. Then the Soroban in their mind helps the right hemisphere to create an image of the abacus. The right hemisphere is a faster processor; it allows kids to calculate faster in their minds.

2. Listening- An average adult has difficulty whenever he tries to solve a numerical problem without taking the help of a pen and paper. This is because his mathematical journey has been predominated by reading the numbers.

But at the same time if he was made to listen to these numbers, it would have trained the brain in a different way. That’s when the auditory pathway enhances the brain power and lends these kids a great opportunity to achieve perfection in solving the mathematical calculations in their minds.

3. Flash Anzan- It means math in Japanese. The use of abacus was started in Japan initially and then spread to the rest of the world. The practice was listening as well as using flash. When we enter somewhere we gather information through our surroundings. While performing this flash anzan kids get more involved visually and absorb numbers in their minds.

With time there is an enhancement in their visual ability. It helps them to perform and make efficient calculations in their minds. That is how the difference is made when kids are subjected to proper training and both the hemispheres of their brains are focused upon. The result is that kids use their mental math abilities for their own advantage.

A Comprehensive Brain Development Program for Kids

UCMAS Mental Math program follows step by step procedure and techniques which help these kids take their own time to understand as well as imbibe the whole concept. It’s imperative that our students are not under any pressure when they are under training and we make it absolutely sure that the whole process is fun to learn.

We are one of the finest platforms that offer this smart and effective program here in Auckland, New Zealand. For more information you can visit our website and get in contact with our professionals to enroll your precious kids within our program.

We assure you that it will be one of the most enriching and informative experiences for your kids that will eventually be of considerable benefit in the long run of their overall academic life.

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