Ingenious Ideas And Activities To Learn Mental Math

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How to teach mental math to kids is something that can make a lot of parents anxious. It’s a matter of fact that the majority of the math we do daily as adults consists of basic mental math. In fact, we bring it to use in grocery stores, at the gym and for many similar ordinary tasks. Adults are quite capable of doing mental math but kids certainly need proper guidance. Hence, it is important for kids to build these skills with proper practice and tutoring. This will perhaps allow them to become self-dependent in solving math equations and problems quickly.

Why Is It Important To Learn Mental Math?

There are a lot of advantages to learning mental math from an early and tender age. That is to say, kids will additionally get some other benefits as well with learning mental math. We will try to mention some of these important ones.

  • Kids gain a deeper understanding of math.
  • Develop logical thinking as well as enhance their reasoning skills.
  • Learn skills that will aid in improving math skills across all grade levels.
  • Ultimately, will master certain skills that will carry over into later years of life.

Thus it’s quite evident that mental math for kids matters a lot. However, in order to be proficient in this particular subject demands a lot of practice. Your child will require daily practice lessons from experienced teachers. Therefore, we have brought for you and your kids various brain development as well as mental math programs. Apart from that, your kids can learn various mental math strategies at home as well. Let’s talk about some easy and smart ways to help build these skills in your kids.

Mental Math Activities For Early Learners To Engage In

An Exemplary Mental Math Game: Pig

You might be remembering the game of Pig from your own early childhood. What we want to tell you is that you can play the game of pig for your kids who are as young as 1st graders. Thus you can use just one single dice and let each player take turns rolling it. At the same time, make sure they keep a running tally of the sum they roll. At every player’s turn they will roll the dice and take note of the number at the same time. Keeping tabs on the total number of times they roll the dice will enhance their mental calculating ability. In fact, the first player to reach a total sum of 25 will come out as the winner. On the other hand, for older kids you can increase the number to 50 or 100 and use two dice.

Allow Your Kids To Participate In Mental Math Competitions

Whenever you allow your kids to participate in a competition it is always fun. Perhaps this versatile game is absolutely great for all the early learners. This game is absolutely great for all the kids just beginning to develop their mental math skills. However, in order to indulge in this activity, you will require a white board with dry erase markers. After that just write a number of math sentences which focuses on adding and subtracting. Moreover, you set a timer for 30 seconds to a minute and allow your child to work on the problem. If your child gets a correct answer he’ll score a point. On the other hand, if he gets it wrong, you’ll get a point. Ultimately, whoever has the most points wins.

Mental Math Twister

Another game that can help improve mental math skills is the Twister. This is indeed a great game for a small group of children. Likewise, whole family, siblings or your child’s friends can play this game. Just start with single digit numbers like 1 for younger children and for 2 digit numbers to make it twister. In order to start the game, you will have to prepare a Twister mat. Furthermore, attach numbers written on sticky notes to the colored circles on the mat.

To point out, each color should represent the same answer. For example, each yellow circle will represent answer 4 and a blue circle will represent answer 6. Make sure you instruct children to stand on the side of the mat. Then spin the spinner and see to which side your child should move. That is to say, in spite of calling out the color while spinning, create a simple math problem that equals the number they should land on. They will learn a lot and enjoy this fun game as well.


We hope this little piece of information will help you in some way or the other. Moreover, if you are concerned about how to teach your kids math with Abacus, we are there for you. We want to tell you that we provide Mental math programs for children to help them develop arithmetic skills. Apart from that, our comprehensive brain development programs help children excel in their academic career. UCMAS has got all the expertise in providing comprehensive brain development programs for kids.

In fact, we use all the ingenious ways to get the best out of your children and make them mentally strong. We ensure that we leave no stone unturned when it’s about offering the best child brain development programs. All our programs are to make children self-dependent and have confidence in their abilities. After all, every child is unique and deserves to blossom to his or her fullest potential.

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